God created us with the need to love and be loved, and He alone can satisfy the deepest yearning of every human soul for total love and complete understanding. The things of this earth can satisfy the body, but only God and His eternal love can ever fill that aching spiritual void in our hearts, that space He created for Himself alone. The human spirit can never be completely satisfied with anything less than utter union with the great and loving Spirit that created it.
Would you like to have a satisfying personal relationship with God? Not a formal, distant God who seeks religious ceremonies, but a God who loves you personally, and who wants to fill your life and heart with love, joy, and peace of mind—a God who wants to communicate with you, guide you through life, comfort you when you’re down, replace your stress and worries with faith and confidence, teach you how to live in love and harmony with yourself and others, and give you answers and solutions when you need them.
On top of that, how about a guaranteed entrance into Heaven in the hereafter?
Try as we may, none of us are good enough to save ourselves and gain entrance to Heaven. The Bible says that “all have sinned and come short of the glory [redemption] of God” (Romans 3:23).
But the good news is that God sent Jesus Christ to take the burden of mankind’s sins on Himself, so that those who believe on Him and receive this free gift can find forgiveness for all their mistakes and sins, be reunited with God, and experience love and freedom forever in Heaven. "For God so loved the world [you and me] that He gave His only begotten Son [Jesus Christ], that whosoever believes in Him should not perish [be damned] but have everlasting life [Heaven forever]" (The Bible, John 3:16).
This is the plan by which the great Creator of the universe has chosen to reveal and bring His love, truth, and salvation to us all. He deliberately made it so simple that anybody can receive His love, regardless of race, religion, or social status.—Anybody, anytime! In fact, Jesus said, "Unless you humble yourself and become as a little child, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven!" (The Bible, Mark 10:15).
Jesus loves you and will give you this wonderful gift right now if you will sincerely pray this little prayer, and ask Him to come into your heart:
Dear Jesus, I believe that You died for me and that You love me. I now open my heart and ask You to come in. Forgive me for my past wrongs, and please give me Your gift of eternal life in Heaven. Fill me with Your love, peace, and joy, and help me learn to share that love and joy with others. Amen.