of projects in South Asia
The South Asia region is unique in its diversity, and each country has its own culture, religion, and political and socio-economic structure. The majority of the populations in the region are Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist, and religion is closely integrated into each country’s cultural and social mores. Family International volunteers have served in several countries throughout the South Asia region, including India, Indonesia, and Thailand.
Our mission is to reach out to all people—including those in need and the underprivileged—with a message of love and hope, to promote the importance of the family unit and childhood training, and to offer opportunities for personal growth and development. We believe that if each person were to reach out to others in need, it would inevitably help to make the world a better place.
Project Highlights
Empowering the Hearing Impaired
| The Family’s work with India’s hearing impaired began nearly 20 years ago. Today, we work with over 3,000 deaf youth in 100 cities all over India and conduct weekly personality development programmes for them. The Family has opened Deaf Clubs in 64 cities. These clubs provide deaf youth the opportunity to learn sign language, as well as practical life skills. We provide entrepreneurial skill training, health workshops, pre- and post-marital counseling for the deaf, computer training, job placements, and legal aid. The Family also organizes sports events, quiz competitions, and other cultural events for the hearing impaired.
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Disaster Relief in Indonesia
| TFI in Indonesia has assisted in disaster relief throughout the archipelago working together with local officials and other concerned individuals as well as a variety of other organizations such as the Red Cross to offer much-needed assistance to disaster victims. In addition to collecting and distributing basic necessities, we act as facilitating partners in projects such as the tsunami relief projects in Aceh, which included a free mobile medical clinic; a boat-building project for fishermen, and a livelihood project consisting of a restaurant and farm. Our volunteers also conduct hands-on assistance wherever needed which includes operating food kitchens and translating for foreign doctors along with distributing needed food and hygiene supplies. One especially valued service we offer is trauma counseling in the form of personal interaction, lending a listening ear, as well as offering hope and encouragement. TFI in Indonesia has also developed a children’s trauma relief program including puppet shows, music, and fun and meaningful activities.
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Educational Seminars
| Working with local officials and educators, TFI in Indonesia presents informative and motivational seminars to instruct teachers and parents on the importance of early learning and character building. The seminars promote a values-based education that is lively and fun and includes “hands on” training via workshops demonstrating the use of a variety of educational and character building materials to aid in effectively teaching and training young students. Along with this, volunteers offer a variety of audio-visual educational materials and reinforcing activity materials to be used with the children in this endeavor.
Institutional Support and Assistance
| TFI volunteers offer practical assistance, including procuring and distributing literally tons of needed materials used to make physical improvements and provide necessary items. The friendship, encouragement, counseling, motivational and inspirational programs which volunteers provide to needy institutions including orphanages, handicapped centers, medical and educational centers, cancer centers and drug rehabilitation programs to name a few, help to supplement the dedicated efforts of the professionals, staff and caregivers who work tirelessly in the care and aid of those in need.
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East Indonesia Focus
| Since the beginning of 2007, TFI in Indonesia has given particular emphasis to helping in the eastern regions of Indonesia. The population of eastern Indonesia exceeds 30,000,000 and consists of many thousands of islands. Some of the areas we work in are among the most underdeveloped in the country. We conduct an ongoing educational support program which has aided dozens of schools in this region, extensively in areas around Ruteng, Ende and Maumere in Flores, as well as Kupang and Atambua in Timor. In Flores, Ambon and Timor, through the generous support of local sponsors, we have been able to distribute many tons of humanitarian supplies to the needy villages. In addition, TFI aided in the locating of interested sponsors which facilitated the construction of a new school building in Atambua along the border of Timor Leste. TFI also sponsors projects in Makassar and Papua providing free health care and hygiene education.
Anti-Drug Programs
| Drug abuse in Thailand especially targets the youth and laborers. Over the last 15 years, the Family has participated in numerous drug-awareness and prevention programs, seminars, concerts, and therapeutic group activities in schools, colleges, rehabilitation and juvenile detention centers, reaching hundreds of thousands. Combining a drug-awareness/anti-narcotic theme with music and drama has proven to be a most effective approach in reaching the youth. We also provide classes and activities that can assist these youngsters in their struggle to integrate back into society and lead productive lives after undergoing rehabilitation.
Tsunami Relief Work
| The tsunami that hit the Southeast Asian region in December 2004, resulted in the worst disaster ever in Thailand’s history. As was witnessed worldwide, in a matter of minutes, an idyllic holiday paradise was thrown into a maelstrom of devastation, death, confusion, grief, loss, and pain of body and spirit. The need for assistance was dire and immediate. Government action was swift, yet the needs seemed to be endless. A two-pronged relief plan enabled a team of Family members to arrive within a day after the disaster hit, while some teams stayed back to collect donated goods for the survivors. Family members served in various ways, from acting as translators, to helping foreigners who were seeking their missing loved ones, to serving as cooks and caregivers. However, perhaps the most important service of all was our role as grief counselors to the traumatized survivors, both adults and children alike.
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Educational Supplies to Needy Schools
| For over 15 years, there has been close cooperation between the Family, members of the business community, and the local education office of many provinces. This very successful endeavor has improved the quality of education for thousands of underprivileged students who have benefited from donated books, audio-visual aids, school supplies, and food. Qualified members also assist in conducting motivational seminars and English camps for the teachers, school staff, and students.
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