of projects in Central and Eastern Europe
Dedicated to improving the quality of life and providing Christian and motivational publications to the people of Central and Eastern Europe, Family International members have volunteered in all of the countries of this region since the early 1990s. The projects of volunteers in the region have been as diverse as the nature and history of the region itself, from visiting refugee camps, military hospitals and children's centers in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Kosovo during the war in the Yugoslavia republics, to conducting postwar trauma therapy in the form of musical and drama performances, and maintaining a Christian correspondence Bible-study course to nearly 72,000 people via mail.
Members have collaborated with likeminded organizations to supply food, clothing, school supplies, and medicine to the needy in the war-torn countries, and provided free English and computer literacy lessons to children in Bosnia, Romania, and Ukraine.
Project Highlights
Humanitarian Aid, Albania
| The Family International has delivered 4000 kilos of humanitarian aid, consisting of winter clothes, shoes, and food to needy families. In cooperation with the German charity, "Care in Action," we arranged the transportation of these goods from Germany to Albania. During a one-month period, our volunteers were involved in house-to-house distribution to approximately 200 families, as well as staging a series of lively shows for about 250 poor children in the area.
Community Leadership Course, Albania
| We hold Christian leadership training courses that provide the students with the opportunity to participate in projects where they learn to formulate plans and follow through on them. This practical training has provided assistance with developing skills in teamworking, communication, efficiency, and time management. At the completion of the six-month course each student receives a certificate, and most now participate actively in our regular volunteer projects.
Malci Beliceve Foster Home, Slovenia
| The Malci Beliceve Foster Home houses children and teenagers from dysfunctional families, as well as orphans. For four years we have held English conversation lessons and other vocational programs on a regular basis. We also host arts and crafts and educational workshops and games and put on musical/theatrical performances. We have delivered or arranged to have humanitarian aid delivered to the institution, mainly warm clothing, hats, and scarves. Our project was featured in Vode in Mi magazine, as well as Delo newspaper‚ reaching an estimated audience of 250,000.
Monthly Institution Visitation Program, Slovenia
| We conduct monthly visitation programs to a number of needy institutions. These include the Korak Rehabilitation Center (for patients who have suffered head injuries), Ljubljana Homeless Shelter, Slovene Philanthropy, and senior citizens’ homes. We provide encouragement through musical performances and personal counseling, and have delivered 220 kilos of humanitarian aid.
Aid to Refugees
| Since 1998 we have been assisting needy refugee families affected by the war in the former Yugoslavia, in the surrounding areas of Karlovac (near the Bosnian border in Croatia), and Rijeka. We offer these families comfort and counseling, and have delivered over 300 kilos of humanitarian aid to the 400 residents in Camp “Gaza” in Karlovac. We also regularly visit two schools, with nearly 500 children, most of whom are refugees, and organize fun and educational activities for the children.
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Children's shows
| We perform clown and puppet shows at different children's resorts and summer camps around Ukraine for orphanages and children with health problems and disabilities. Each Christmas we also put on shows, which consist of a musical performance, Christmas puppet show, clowns, treats and gifts including Activated magazines for children, sponsored in part by interested businessmen.
Kosovo Aid Distribution
| In March 2004, violent unrest in Kosovo resulted in the burning of hundreds of houses. Many of the people rendered homeless due to this unrest found refuge in metal shipping containers supplied by the UN in special camps. These uninsulated containers are extremely hot in the summer and very cold in the winter. Furthermore, the unemployment of those displaced and the resulting despair over their apparently hopeless plight leads to depression for many. The Family International has committed to help ease the plight of this displaced people.
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Roma Community Help Initiative
| For the past six years, we have hosted ongoing projects to assist the Roma (Gypsy) community, specifically the children and youth. These people have suffered years of discrimination, and have great trouble elevating themselves out of their plight due to difficulties in finding employment. We distribute aid, host inspirational and motivational programs, and provide training for those able to help their people.