of projects in Romania
Since 1991, members of the Family International have provided an array of services in Romania. Our volunteer projects have ranged from providing spiritual counseling, Bible classes, and seminars, to organizing conferences and team-building programs for professionals, to distributing food and emergency supplies, and medical-care programs for underprivileged children.
Projects have also included educational development programs for children, adolescents, and young adults with the goal of developing character, morals, leadership, creativity, and social and cultural skills.
TFI volunteers have often worked in collaboration with other organizations in order to maximize their humanitarian and charitable work efforts.
Project Highlights
Helping Children in Need
| Family volunteers conduct a range of projects focused on improving the lives, both physically and emotionally, of children residing in hospitals, placement centers, and other institutions for the underprivileged. We renovate the facilities in these institutions, organize outings and excursions for the children, conduct training seminars for the teachers and caregivers, and help orphan youth transition into life in society. We also carry out medical programs assisting children.
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Humanitarian Aid
| Family volunteers have imported and distributed tons of humanitarian aid to needy families in the cities of Bacau, Constanta, Timisoara, Bucharest, and others. The distribution is then followed up with visitation programs. This aid consists of a variety of needs, including dry food, medical supplies such as motorized hospital beds and wheelchairs, as well as clothing, shoes, bedding, baby equipment, and computers.
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| Family volunteers develop and present seminars for parents and teachers, as well as seminars addressing specific needs in society. Our teachers seminars cover topics such as the importance of unconditional love and acceptance, and appreciating the uniqueness and qualities of children. The “Successful Parenting” seminars offer ways to enhance the parents childrearing skills and offer a wealth of insight and inspiration on how to improve their relationship with their children.
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Spiritual Counseling
| The Family International’s main ministry as Christians is that of reaching out to those who are spiritually in need and searching for answers. We distribute inspirational literature and offer counseling on a variety of topics ranging from overcoming depression, parenting, and dealing with peer pressure to study courses on biblical themes and current events. The counseling is carried out either one on one or in small group settings.
Education and Distribution of Educational Materials
| Volunteers of the Family International have undertaken a program to set up computer labs for children in needy schools and institutions, along with providing IT training for children and youth. Through sponsorship programs we provide character building books and educational DVDs for elementary school children.
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